Thursday, April 30, 2015

Climate change and globalwarming korbin

Climate change and Glabolwarming 

Climate change is when greenhouse gases go in the atmistsphere so the atmistsphere gets thicker in some areas so it gets warmer and others get colder.  the main reason why climate change happens or greenhouse gases are created is because lots of foissel fuels are being burned like we do with cars and coal plants and lots of other things.   Warming and cooling in different areas of the world is called Glabolwarming and Glabolwarming Is very bad for the world because if it gets to hot there would be lots of droughts and the glaciers will melt.  one sad thing about trees is when you think that trees turn co2 into O2 but trees just store the co2 so when it gets cut down the co2 is released into the air.  

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Climate change

Climate change.

Climate change is when greenhouse gases get stuck in the atamistspere so when the energy 

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Alt Energy - Tieren gates

What are nonrenwable energy souces?  Why are they bad?
  •  nonrenewable energy sources are natural gas, fossil fuels,Cole and more 
  • Nonrenewable energy is bad because it is hard to breath in all that smoke and polution.

What are renewable energy sources.  Describe several.
  • Renewable energy sources are sunshine water wind solar biomass and more  

toxins by Henry lae

Acid rain is rain that has been made acidic by certain pollutants in the air. Acid rain is a type of acid deposition, which can appear in many forms. Wet deposition is rain, sleet, snow, or fog that has become more acidic than normal. Dry deposition is another form of acid deposition, and this is when gases and dust particles become acidic. Both wet and dry deposition can be carried by the wind, sometimes for very long distances. Acid deposition in wet and dry forms falls on buildings, cars, and trees and can make lakes acidic. Acid deposition in dry form can be inhaled by people and can cause health problems in some people.

Acid rain is caused by a chemical reaction that begins when compounds like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are released into the air. These substances can rise very high into the atmosphere, where they mix and react with water, oxygen, and other chemicals to form more acidic pollutants, known as acid rain. Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides dissolve very easily in water and can be carried very far by the wind. As a result, the two compounds can travel long distances where they become part of the rain, sleet, snow, and fog that we experience on certain days.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Effects of nuculer wastπŸ˜‘πŸ’’❗️

bad effects
  • We slowly die and so does the envirment
  • The number of forest fires increase 
  • Others make nuclear weapons 
  • Things start to mutat over time

  • Good
  • It uses steam produced by heat which is produced by atoms breaking apart 
  • It provides an large amount of energy 

  • That's about all that's good 

Henry climate change

What causes climate change: climate change is caused by fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas when burnt they put CO2 in the air and causes the temperature to rise.

Effects of climate change: In the past 100 years the temperature rises by 1 degree and makes the sea level rise by 19 cm. global warming causes ice to melt on icy areas and on mountains, the mountains and icy areas make a lot of water and flows into body's of water like streams, lakes, rivers and seas that makes the water level to rise and can cause destruction and floods on towns and cities next to the body's of water.

kyllen climate change

Over the past century people burning fossil fuels have released large amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The majority of greenhouse gases come from burning fossil fuels to produce energy,although deforestation,industrial process,and some agricultural practices also emit gases into the atmosphere.

Greenhouse gases act like a blanket around earth,trapping energy in the atmosphere and causing it to warm.This phenomenon is called the greenhouse effect and is natural and necessary to support life on earth.However, the buildup of greenhouse gases can change earth's climate and result in dangerous effects to human health and welfare and to ecosystems.

Tierens I'm tiered not tiered

Tierens energy stuff

The great pacific garbage patch
The great pacific garbage patch is in the Pacific Ocean
This garbage patch is the king it could be bigger than a USA state

BlablaπŸ˜€πŸ˜…πŸ˜πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‡πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ˆπŸ˜„πŸ‘ΏπŸ˜‰πŸ˜πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜Ž☺️πŸ˜πŸ˜‹πŸ˜πŸ˜ŒπŸ˜‘πŸ˜’πŸ˜—πŸ˜“πŸ˜˜πŸ˜”πŸ˜™πŸ˜•πŸ˜šπŸ˜–πŸ˜›πŸ˜œπŸ˜‘πŸ˜πŸ˜’πŸ˜žπŸ˜£πŸ˜ŸπŸ˜€πŸ˜ πŸ˜₯

energy can be solar power and wind power and fossil fuels.
    "Deep water horizonoil oil well that blew up It Happened 2010 it spilled 2700 tanks of oil. Oil and water do not like echuther😒 soon fossil fuels will sun out that's why we have solver power and wind power. Hello

Monday, April 13, 2015

Ara's Info About Glaciers


Glaciers form over a lot of years when snow and ice build up faster that snow and ice is removed. The rom all of snow and ice is called ablation and includes the process of melting and evaporation. 

When individual snowflakes are crushed by the immense weight pressure, air is squeezed from the snow turning into a very dense glacial ice.

Researchers are able to find out the direction of historical glaciers by observing bedrock scrapings such as glacial straitions and chatter marks.

As glaciers move they erode the terrain beneath the while using 2 main processes. Plucking, whereby bedrock is softened and levered out by subglacial water constantly re-freezing (expanding) within  it, the sediment then becomes part of the glacier's cargo. Abrasion happens when the ice and now rock also slides over the bedrock essentially smoothing and polishing.

Studies of glacial deposits also help show where historical glaciers were and how the moved. Linear mounds of glacial sediment called moraines are formed and left by the deposition of material from glaciers. While drumlins are teardrop shaped groups of hills also containing left behind sediment deposits.

The study of glaciers is very important for scientists to keep track of unique variations in the Earth's climate as glaciers are very sensitive to climatic changes. 

Friday, April 10, 2015

Bryce's erosion


  They erupt and when they do they Spew hot magma also called lava, which destroys everything in its path.  Its about 3000 degrees F I know crazy isn't it. Lava hardens into obsidian granite and  basalt

Tectonic plate's shift and cause earthquakes, volcanos  to erupt, and cause massive avalanches.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Ara's Info about Earth's Structure


                                                               What we learned in class

Glaciers: permanent masses of ice and snow that move more than 10% of Earth's land. Antarctica, Greenland, and North Pole

Formation: cold places------ don't melt
New snow packs the old snow down. 
- great accumulated weight makes glacier move.
- maybe altitude melt water under glacier
Pushes through mts. polishes/ smoothes out. 

                                          Earth Structure

Lithosphere: The lithosphere is a solid surface surrounding the earth. The lithosphere is a cool crust that surrounds the liquid and solid interior of Earth. 

The rock plates that float across the surface of Earth are called tectonic plates. The plates float above the mantle, an area in between the core and the solid.  It is a very important solid that can deform and move. It's very hot, but not hot enough to be a liquid rock. There are places where magma seeps to the surface, but that mantle in basically a plastic-like solid that can slowly swirl and move around the planet.

Liquid and Solid core: The core has 2 different regions. The liquid outer core and a solid inner core.
Both layers and made up of iron and nickel. The inner core is a giant furnace at super hot temperatures and pressures. The flowing metal of the outer core helps create a dynamo effect. In case of the Earth, the magnetic field protects our planet from space, solar wind, and solar radiation.

Scientists have discovered that the pressure and temperature increase as you move towards the center of the planet. The outer core of the Earth has very hot temperatures and extreme pressures that keep iron and nickel in a liquid state. The mantle has a range of 500 to 4,000 degrees Celsius. Room temperature is about 23 degrees Celsius.

                                                                  Earth Structure: Tectonics

Tectonic plates make up the top layer of the Earth named the lithosphere. Directly under the lithosphere is the asthenosphere. There is an on-going heat and radiation given off from the core of the Earth. The tectonic plates are floating above the molten rock and moving around the planet. When the plates and continents and plates move it's called continental drift.

Think of the molten rock in as the asthenosphere, not as rock, but as a liquid. It has currents and flows like any normal liquid. When the tectonic plates spread apart, it's called a spreading center. When the tectonic plates move closer together, it's called a subduction zone. When the tectonic plates are forced together, it called a zone of convergence. If plates move down into the asthenosphere the plates begin to melt.

Scientists have traveled all over the world and found evidence that supports the ideas of plate tectonics. Did you ever notice that South America and Africa look like the go together. South America, Africa, and all the other continents went together to make one gigantic continent called Pangea. But, because of tectonics plates around the world, Pangea was split apart into smaller separate continents.


Cool Example

I finally got on in!!!
Earth and erosion
By: Elise™

Glaciers are large sheets of ice and snow packed down over many years thousands or more😱
Currently at least 10% of earth is covered in glaciers but that may change because of global warming.
Greenland and Antarctica are the main sources of those glaciers but there are other places.
Some glaciers have water under them.
When glaciers get really big they start to move.
Sometimes they carve through mountains other time they fall into the ocean (icebergs)
Glaciers provide 75% of more of the worlds freshwater.

Lambert and Jakobshavn glaciers:

The lambert glacier is the largest glacier in the world.
The lambert glacier is in east Antarctica.
It's about 60 square miles wide.
It's over 250 miles long.
It's about 2,500 meters deep!


The chile earthquakeπŸ˜‰
It was May 22nd, 1960
When a tsunami and a 9.5 magnitude earthquake hit chile.
1,6655 people were killed in chile
3,000 were injured
2,000,000 were left homeless
$550 million dollars in damage
138 were killed
$50 million dollars in damage
61 killed
$75 million dollars in damage
32 killed/missing
U.S West Coast:
$500,000 dollars in damage

Earthquakes are two or more tectonic plates rubbing together and creating friction.
Tsunamis are the same except its underwater and the water rushes down and makes a wave that hits land.
Image result for desert rocks
What are tectonic plates?:
Tectonic plates (also called lithospheric plates) are large slabs of rock that push together to make an earthquake.

Image result for desert rocks

Main sources that change the surface of the earth:
-Natural Disasters

Image result for tectonic plates
The major plates of earth.

Water erosion:
Water erosion is caused by water either washing away rock or pushing sand farther in.
Beach erosion video☝

Volcanoes are mountains with a crater in the top with magma hot vapor and gas coming through the space in between tectonic plates in the crust of the earth.
I just found out that there is a volcano named The Volcano in British Columbia Canada...

Fault types

Measuring Earthquakes:
You measure with a seismograph.
The seismograph

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Tieren's science


Volcanoes are big mountains that have holes that go down into the

 magma of the earth and can erupt. When they erupt magma pushes out.

When a volcano is active it can cause millions of  Deaths. The hot magma flows to different cities.



Monday, April 6, 2015

Piper's valcanos and earthquakes

                                      By.Piper Martin.

Scientists have discovered that as you get closer to the core of the earth it gets hotter than there upper and lower parts of the earth because of the inner core of the earth . The inner core of the earth is a pressed and steamed metal heated over 700 degrees in Fahrenheit

Plates on the earths surface tend to move because of the outer earth and the mantle,liquid from the outer core moves up out of the mantle moving to the surface of the earth. The mantle isthe earths outer crust so the liquid at a very hot accumulated temputure moves up to the surface of the earth.

How do volcanoes form? You might be wondering that,well here's how. Deep inside earth,between the molten iron core and the thin crust at the surface,there is a solid body of rock called the mantle. When rocks form the mantle melts, moves to the surface of the crust , and releases pent-up gases, volcanoes can erupt to extremely high temperatures and pressure, causes the rock to melt or become liquid magma. When large body of magma is formed, it rises through the denser rock layers towards the Earth's surface.

Did you know:πŸ˜›
The core is the hottest part
Of the earth. All known planets
Have a metal core. Even the Gas
Giants of our solar system

Friday, April 3, 2015

✰ AΞ²Ξ²Y's Ι™rosion Κ‚tuffs ✰

Image result for erosion
Erosion and Other Stuffs Related
By Abby Incorporated 🌊🐳

The 3 primary forces that changes earth's surface are:
1.) Glaciers moving and pushing through mountains.
2.) Water (rain and floods) weathering down on land and stone.
3.)  Natural disasters (like tornadoes and earthquakes) tearing up land.

Volcanoes are mountains with stored lava and magma inside. Sometimes volcanoes, can be dormant and not be active. Meaning that it won't blow up and explode with lava and ash everywhere. But sometimes dormant volcanoes can become active once again and is ready to explode. When volcanoes are erupting, people have to evacuate and move to a safe place for months or maybe even years, for fear that their village or homes being destroyed by fire and ash. Volcanoes can also cause erosion and land to change formation and shape.

Earthquakes are natural disasters that happen when the ground is shaking violently which is caused by the earths tectonic plates when they are shifting. Earthquakes usually occur or begin right near fault lines. Fault lines are made by shifting tectonic plates. Seismometers are tools to help measure
how big earthquakes are and how dangerous it is.

Glaciers are basically just big icebergs that are near Antarcticam Greenland, and the Canadian Arctic.      Glaciers are made up of very and strongly compressed snow that has been staying in the same place for a long time. Presently, glaciers are about 10% of Earth's total land area. Glaciers used to (and still sometimes do) slowly move across the Earth and bring nutrients and good soils from the edge of river beds, or edges of oceans where the dirt is rich and extra fertile than some other dirt. Glaciers can be very slow or actually very fast. The fastest glacier ever was the Jakobshavn Glacier (formed in Greenland) which went so fast that it was went more than 10.5 miles per YEAR. But also, 150 feet a DAY. That is a pretty fast glacier!

☀️Glaciers With Global Warming☀️
Global warming has a big impact on glaciers. Especially traveling ones. They will melt (slowly) and since they are HUGE, it would probably cause floods on nearby cities or towns. What's worse is that all the big and important cities are right near the edge of the continent or country meaning, that glaciers can come at anytime and cause huge floods!

How Glaciers Move
They move depending on how much snow and ice that's on the glacier. If there's more ice and snow added on the glacier than lost, it will move forward. If more is lost than added, it will move back.
Also, if the glacier comes to a certain thickness and weight it will be so heavy that it will
change shape and (because of gravity) will move slowly. Thanks Gravity!!! πŸ‘

Weathering and Erosion
Weathering is when a rock of some sort or just any surface gets worn away or eroded. Erosion is what it's called when something is weathering down something else. Like water or rocks can cause erosion. Wind and sand can cause erosion too! Sand is actually rock that has been eroded for many, many years (like more than a couple hundred years we're talking about).

Different Types Of Erosion/Weathering
There are many types of erosion or weathering. For example, chemical weathering. This is when water (works better if water is a little acidic) mixes or meets rock and keeps flowing to make cracks and little tunnels. There is also physical weathering which is sometimes called mechanical weathering, physical weathering is what it's called when rocks break apart without changing their chemical composition (BTW, chemical composition means different amounts of chemicals and minerals in types of rocks).

What Is Soil?
This is one of the questions I have to answer as a necessity to the presentation. So I'll make this short. Soil is just a fancier and more scientific name for dirt. :3

 Deposition (geologically) is the process which sediment, soil, and rocks are added to a landform or land mass. In deposition, wind and water lay down grains of eroded material that has been transported from another place. Deposition happens when the forces which transport sediments are weaker than the forces of particle weight and friction. This causes a resistance to movement and the particles drop down.

                                                                   Eroded Landforms
Image result for eroded landforms
Eroded landforms are landforms that have been eroded or weathered over time (I'm guessing you probably figured that though).  They can carve caves and arches in mountains and cliffs. They are really beautiful and so landscape-y.

erΙ΅Κ‚iΓΈΙ³ pictures:

Image result for erosion
Image result for erosionImage result for erosion
Image result for erosion    Image result for eroded landforms