Friday, April 3, 2015

Kyllen's facts about glaciers

A glacier is a ginormous piece of ice that doesn't melt fast.  glaciers cover 10% of the world.some glaciers can be the size of a football field and others are 60 miles long.Glaciers are location in cold places like the North Pole, South Pole, Antarctica and Greenland and also the tops of the mountains.   Some glacier's can cause erosion.A glacier forms over many years when snow and ice builds up faster than its is removed.the removal of snow and ice is called ablation and includes processes such as melting and evaporation.Around 99% of glacial ice on earth is contained within the polar ice sheets.The word ''glacier'' comes from the french language and the name is derived from the latin word glacies meaning ''ice''chunks of ice break off ice shelf or a glacier that reaches the sea.If a glacier melts it can cause big floods and other problems.Also 10%of the world is glacier and they would melt it flood all the city's on the coast.

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